
Two new projects for lux-Airport

2 July 2024


Civil EngineeringIndustrial

Two new projects for lux-Airport

At Findel, lux-Airport has entrusted Félix Giorgetti with the construction of a new car park and a rainwater retention basin.

And one of them is good news for airport passengers: a new car park. Located next to the police building in Kaltgesbrück, Car Park L will offer 700 parking spaces. Even though the construction was launched last May, a provisional version of the project was delivered in mid-July to enable customers to use it. To meet the deadlines, we increased our workforce and resources with a two-shift system. 20,000 m3 of materials were excavated to create the roadway structures and parking spaces.

The second project involves the construction of a retention basin to collect rainwater from the future Fuel Farm. More than 26,000 m3 of earthworks and 2,400 m3 of concrete are planned for this structure. It also features prefabricated high-density polyethylene manholes up to 8 m high. This solution, which offers significant advantages in terms of watertightness, was chosen to avoid any pollution of the water table below.

Work is scheduled for completion in October.


Congratulations to our teams for their dedication and our thanks to lux-Airport for its renewed confidence!